On Thursday, fans were confused about whether James Corden drives during the popular “Carpool Karaoke” segment on his show, according to E! News. An Instagram user named Zoli Honig uploaded a video showing Corden and Justin Bieber supposedly filming an upcoming segment in an SUV. However, the SUV was mounted on wheels and pulled by a truck.

“This is why I have trust issues,” Honig wrote. Fans immediately expressed shock and dismay over the situation, with one fan wailing, “MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE.” Staff from The Late Late Show eventually said in a statement, “James always drives during ‘Carpool Karaoke.’ However, on the rare occasion when there is a stunt component and the producers feel it is unsafe to drive, we will use a rig (tow).”

The show poked fun at the situation later, tweeting a picture of Corden and Samuel L. Jackson in front of a green screen with the caption, “Guys, we don’t even use a real car.”

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